San Pedro La Laguna – Searching For Street Art
Now that we’ve been in San Pedro La Laguna for two weeks we are finally settling into a groove. Monday through Friday is dedicated to our language studies, but over the weekend we try to get to know the town more intimately.
As mentioned in our previous post, San Pedro La Laguna is a maze of streets bustling with so much life and activity it is easy to get distracted and miss out on the more subtle things the town has to offer.
Don’t get us wrong, we enjoy doing some of the more obvious touristy things when we are in a new place. But we just as much like exploring the streets of an area to people-watch and get a better sense of the overall vibe of an area. And oftentimes it is even more fun! Not to mention less expensive.
Perhaps one of the underappreciated things about San Pedro La Laguna is how well local artists have integrated street art into the town as a whole. The local artists are amazingly talented, and their paintings typically depict aspects of the Mayan heritage of the local community, their connection with the natural environment, and the struggles they currently face.
So we took it upon ourselves to explore as much of the town by foot as possible during the quiet times of the day, to seek out these pieces of art and show them to the world. And although we discovered quite a few, I am sure there are many more to see!
Often times our walks took us down larger streets…

But also down more secluded alleyways and footpaths that even tuk-tuks struggled to travel down.

But around nearly every corner, there were artistic treasures to be found.

We hope that our sampling of photos of San Pedro La Laguna street art does these works justice. Unlike previous posts when I drone on and on forever, I figure that it is best for the art of the artists to do the talking.

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9 thoughts on “San Pedro La Laguna – Searching For Street Art”
Holy moly! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing these
Thanks. Our pleasure!
People very talented
So cool!
These are awesome. Looks like so much fun.
We enjoyed looking for them. Glad you like them!
Fantastic gallery of pictures, and that lion staircase is amazing!
(makes notes for gaming ideas)
Glad we could help!