September 2022 Budget Report – Guatemala
Our second month of international travel is in the books, but really it was the first month we were totally on our own. It’s been fun figuring out our own daily patterns, as well as how to fit into the local communities we are visiting. And part of that is realizing what our monthly spending needs are!
So here is our September 2022 budget report for our second month in Guatemala!
Accommodation: $567.49 USD
This includes 24 nights in our San Pablo La Laguna Airbnb ($458.07 USD), one night in Flores ($31.98 USD) during our Tikal visit, and 4 nights at our Airbnb in Antigua Guatemala ($77.44 USD).
We technically spent one night on a bus, but we factored that cost into transportation.
Under $19/day for accommodation during the month of September strikes us as pretty good!
Eating Out: $289.45 USD
We knew this expense would go up, as we were no longer receiving the benefits of our homestay at La Casa de Rosa! That, and half the fun of traveling is sampling the cuisines of all the places you visit!
Generally speaking, we only eat out for one of our two meals per day, which makes our grocery bill for September even more fascinating.
Groceries: $296.63 USD
This was slightly higher than our expense for eating out!
I suspect that this was due to buying some high-quality ingredients that are less expensive in the USA, like dairy products and many cooking oils. And of course, we indulged in treats we could eat at home, like exotic peanut butter and 100% ceremonial-grade cacao for hot drinks.
And no, eating out for every meal was not a realistic option due to the distance of our San Pablo La Laguna Airbnb from any concentrated source of reputable (and affordable) restaurants.
So the costs added up!
But still, not terrible in the grand scheme of things.
General Supplies: $24.76 USD
This expense was much lower than last month! We suspect that it was because we purchased most of the supplies we used in September back in August. That, and we’ve become more savvy shoppers.
I expect that this cost will fluctuate from month to month, but we hope to keep it under $50 per month until we get to more expensive countries (i.e., Panama).
Transportation: $326.89 USD
Yep, this one is a biggie. But we expected that.
This expense includes water taxis, tuk-tuks, and Ubers. And most significantly, it includes our bus transportation to and from Flores, Guatemala ($252.07 USD for 2 people).
But if you take that cost out of the total, our transportation expenses were pretty minor.
This is a major advantage for living in areas within walking distance of interesting things!
Activities: $111.22 USD
This includes our Tikal tour expenses ($77.67 USD for 2 people), as well as any admission fees for the other parks, museums, and miradores we explored.
Alcohol: $63.55 USD
As expected, this cost went down from last month. I think we only went to one bar the entire month of September! The rest was for beer and wine at home.
For those who are wondering, if you shop around you can buy a decent bottle of local beer at a supermarket for around 10 quetzales/$1.27 USD or a decent bottle of Chilean wine on sale for 30 quetzales/$3.81 USD.
Utilities/Upkeep: $20.97 USD
Not much to see here, aside from our ridiculously cheap Claro SIM LTE data plan ($12.84 USD for 15 GB) and face sunscreen ($7.75 USD).
Education: $23.25 USD
We only managed one additional freelance Spanish language instruction session with our old instructor Francisco as our schedules rarely worked out.
But despite that, we have still been able to advance our language skills through structured self-study and practice in the wild!
Medical: $171.01 USD
Our fixed travel insurance expense for the month.
Miscellaneous: $11.51 USD
Rhonda has developed a taste for locally made beadwork animal ornaments! They will theoretically be put on the “Christmas Tree” we have while staying in Arequipa Peru in December.
Plus, we purchased a map of Tikal on-site, even though it probably wasn’t needed.
In both cases, tourist money really helps the local economy, so why not splurge a little if it doesn’t break the bank?
Total Expenses for September 2022: $1,906.73 USD
So we were UNDER our $2500/month budget by about $600 USD, and this includes our Tikal-specific expenses ($369.32 USD). Pretty exciting, since Guatemala is reputed to be the second most expensive of the Latin American countries we are touring.
Here is a pretty graph that summarizes our September 2022 budget report.
And for those keeping score, our current monthly spending average is now $2,476.13 USD. It only took 1 month for us to right-size our August budget blowup!
We hope you found our September 2022 budget report useful!
Until next time…
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10 thoughts on “September 2022 Budget Report – Guatemala”
Amazing! Very special traveling with you both
Glad to have you aboard!
Great sharing your wonderful experiences.
Our pleasure!
I was reading your adventures in Guatemala with a huge interest. I have been comprehensive of going there but it sounds like quite a safe place if you travel smart. Lake Atitlan sounds a bit like Lake Chapala in Mexico but maybe more authentic and less expat-y? We enjoyed checking different communities around lake Chapala so I think we would enjoy exploring Atitlan as well.
I found AirBnB you stayed in San Pablo but it is quite more expensive now compared to what you paid. It came to USD 949 for 28 nights in September! They offer 25% discount only for a month stay now, I guess this is where the price difference is coming from
Interesting. When I look at the dates for September 1 – 28, 2025 it has a price of $639 USD for 28 nights after the discount (originally $916 USD). Not sure if exchange rate for your home currency has anything to do with the discrepancy for you, or if you don’t have at least 28 full nights scheduled.
As far as authenticity goes – it’s hit or miss. San Pedro (not San Pablo) is the backpacker and party town, Panajachel is the expat town, San Marcos is the hippie, new agey town, San Juan is the artsy town. All the other towns are pretty sparsely populated by tourists. It’s not hard to find authentic experiences in every town though, and I suspect they are all better than Chapala that way.
I think I figured out this price difference. When I leave 1 person then I also see 639 USD. However when I change it to 2 people the price jumps to 949 USD. I guess this has changed since you stayed there.
Ouch. Yes, that is definitely new. I hate it when properties do that, especially when they are built perfectly for a couple. It’s a shame too. Stuart was a really great host!