How To Hike the Pipeline Trail in Boquete Panama
Two Travel Turtles explore the rainforests around Boquete, Panama hiking the Pipeline Trail! And it is a surprisingly easy day trip to make without a car.
Two Travel Turtles explore the rainforests around Boquete, Panama hiking the Pipeline Trail! And it is a surprisingly easy day trip to make without a car.
Two Travel Turtles visit the thermal wells of Pozos Termales near Boquete, Panama! It wasn’t exactly an easy place to access, but we figured it out!
With dodging rain, seeing the sights, sipping ultra-expensive coffee, and eating ALL the food, our slow-travel life in Boquete Panama hasn’t really been slow. Check out what we’ve been up to!
We visited Parque Nacional Cajas, a stunning national park and critical alpine wetland zone near Cuenca, Ecuador. Because making a high-altitude hike just after recovering from altitude sickness is a great idea!
To help me recover from altitude sickness we stayed local and explored Cuenca on foot. Turns out we did much more than that. So much for my recovery day!
After 3 weeks in Baños de Agua Santa, TTT finally made a visit to the Amazon rainforest! And we found out that rainforests have rain. Lots of rain. Who knew?
We made a spectacular hike in the mountains of Baños Ecuador, visiting seven epic mirador overlooks in one day. We even had a bear encounter! Read on to see what happened.
Two Travel Turtles hiked to Cumbre Rucu Pichincha, the caldera of an active volcano! At 4,696 m high, we were more mountain goats than turtles. Read on to see how we did it!
Two Travel Turtles hike the Cascada Cóndor Machay trail, famous for its biodiverse forests and many, many waterfalls. But half the challenge was getting to this off the beaten path location as a foreigner without a car!